Jackie Frain Shamisen Lessons

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Class Information
To anyone who is interested in learning to play shamisen, I would highly recommend getting an instructor. However, finding a shamisen instructor outside of Japan can be an interesting challenge. There are a limited number of instructors overseas, but you may be lucky enough to have one in your area. For those who do not have any instructors nearby, there are some who teach online. This page is here to detail my personal instruction services, but also to offer other resources for those seeking instruction in traditional Japanese music.


Shamisen Instruction

I am currently offering lessons to beginners in the jiuta style of shamisen playing. In person lessons are possible for those in the greater Louisville, KY area. I also teach lessons online (preferably via Skype or Zoom at this time, but other online meeting services can be used).

If you are interested in taking lessons, please email me.


Lesson Content

I would be delighted if you choose to take lessons with me. Lessons are typically one hour in length and will cover musical pieces appropriate to our shamisen school and the level of the student.

For initial beginner lessons, you can expect to cover some of the following content:

  • Instrument parts & care
  • Reading shamisen sheet music
  • Traditional music theory and history
  • Basic playing techniques & posture
  • Reading hiragana & katakana (for vocal pronunciation) and kanji (for numbers)

You will receive resources (handouts, sheet music, etc.) prior to the lesson as needed. I am also gathering an online repository of resources that will eventually be made available exclusively to students.



Students will need to purchase their own shamisen and accessories for lessons. I can help you locate a suitable instrument at varying price levels. Our style of playing requires chuuzao (middle size) shamisen with hatomune at the base of the neck.


Practice Expectations

Everyone has different schedules and learning abilities, and there are no particular expectations for how often and long a student should practice. Most students will benefit greatly from one hour per day practices (at least 5 days per week). I will work with you to set up a lesson and practice schedule that works for your life and level of study.


Online Lesson Software & Hardware

Skype and Zoom offer free accounts that students can use to take lessons online. The software for each can be downloaded here:

Students will need a decently fast internet connection, webcam, and microphone in order to have a successful lesson. Technical issues are typically easily resolved and lessons proceed smoothly.


Lesson Costs

Lessons for beginners are $35 per hour, to be paid in advance via PayPal. Lesson frequency is up to the student, although weekly is the most typical.

Lessons cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled time may incur a cancellation fee equal to the entire cost of the lesson.


Louisville, KY