Shawn Renzoh Head Shakuhachi Lessons

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Class Information

Renzoh Studios offers individual shakuhachi lessons, masterclasses and more..

  • 30 min lessons: $35
  • 60 min lessons: $60

Beginners as well as players of all experience levels are welcomed.



Renzoh studios offers shakuhachi students the opportunity to work toward the rank of Jun Shihan (Associate Teacher’s Certificate)

Awarding rank based on the student’s level of playing is as common in shakuhachi as in Aikido, Judo, Kendo, Go, and many more fields. The criteria is subject to vary from teacher to teacher. To earn licenses, the student must show the ability to play a selection of pre-decided songs as well as answer questions about the history of the works.

Of course, it is not everyone’s destiny to become a shakuhachi teacher, and that is usually not the reason one starts shakuhachi. Even so, it is useful for all students to know the level at which they are training, regardless of whether or not they are goal oriented. Shawn Renzoh Head provides a list of songs to his students so that they can get a relative view of where they came from and what they will be doing in the near future. Holding the rank of Shihan gives Renzoh the authority to bestow licenses up to the rank of Jun Shihan.

The levels and associated fees are as follows:

1. Shoden (Beginning level) $175:
2. Chuden (Intermediate Level) $350
3. Okuden (Advanced Level) $500
4. Jun Shihan (Associate Teacher’s Certificate) $1000

The list of songs and testing materials used by Shawn Renzoh Head are available to his students upon request. If you have any questions concerning the ranking aspects of shakuhachi, feel free to contact Shawn.


Houston, TX