Takashi Koto 小藤隆志, composition: received his Ph.D. in Music from Harvard University, his M.M. from the New England Conservatory, and his B.M. from Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo. In 1983 he won the Irino Prize for his “Like Flickering Light” for violin and piano. He was an editor for the musical journal “Ongaku Geijutsu” in Japan and has written extensively on musical matters and translated articles and books into Japanese. His new book, “Traditional Japanese Music at a Glance”, written for global readers in English, was published in Tokyo in 2016. His translation of full texts into Japanese includes “Sonic Design” by Robert Cogan and Pozzi Escot, “Molto Agitato: The Mayhem behind the Music at the Metropolitan Opera” by Johanna Fiedler, “The Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship” by Robert Craft, “Evenings with Horowitz: A Personal Portrait” by David Dubal, and “The memory of All That: The Life of George Gershwin” by Joan Peyser. He has composed many chamber and orchestral works, including his three koto (zither) concertos and a double concerto for shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and koto premiered in Massachusetts. In 2015, his anthem “Hokkaido Pioneers” written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the sister-state relationship between Massachusetts and Hokkaido, Japan, and a new piece for brass band and chorus based on the anthem were premiered during the ceremony. His new orchestral work “Stormy and Calm Seas” was premiered by the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra in 2016.
Works for Japanese musical instruments
- At the Mercy of the Wind 風のまにまに
Shakuhachi and Koto (2012) - Crossing Mountains 山越え
Double Concerto for Shakuhachi and Koto (2012) - Not I but the Wind 私ではなく風が
Shakuhachi and Koto (2011) - Ripples On Water
Koto (2011) - Kochi (East Winds) 東風
Koto Concerto (2011) - Three Scenes from “Satie on the Beach” 「浜辺のサティ」より3つの情景
1. Calmness 平静
2. Paranoia 強迫症
3. Dual Personality 二重人格
Shakuhachi and Koto (2010) - Fumon 風紋
Shakuhachi and Koto (2009) - A-hum 阿吽
Shakuhachi and Koto (2008) - A-hum 阿吽
Violin and Koto (2008) - When Doves Coo… 鳩が鳴くときに
Koto Concerto (2008) - Tangled Lights for Koto and String Orchestra 弦楽合奏と箏のための乱光
Koto Concerto (2007) - Songs of Doves 鳩の歌
Koto (2005) - Song of Doves 鳩の歌
Shakuhachi and Koto (2005) - The Phase of Eclipse 蝕の相
Shakuhachi and Koto (2004) - Satie on the Beach 浜辺のサティ
Shakuhachi and Koto (2001) - Tide Gate 潮門
Shakuhachi and Koto (1999) - Damask ダマスク
Shakuhachi and Koto (1997) - Inclinations for Two Kotos 二面の箏のための偏り
2 Koto (1997/2008) - Dunes 砂丘
Shakuhachi and Koto (1996) - A Convolution 回旋
Shakuhachi and Koto (1995) - The Tangled Lights 乱光
Shakuhachi and Koto (1994)